Cannabis History 101

Cannabis Sativa can be a daunting lady to get to know. Don’t fret! I am here to help with your introduction into the world of cannabis and all of its benefits. 


Cannabis has long been a staple in humanity’s growth. This practice is dated back to as early as 12,000 years ago in Asia 500 B.C. Heightening one's awareness, spiritual practices, even as an aid for medicinal relief.


I would like to start with a full basic understanding of our consumption.  I also want to dive into how it came to be.  If Knowledge is power, I am here to help with your search. 


Cannabis and Hemp have more than 25,000 uses and counting. It’s obvious as to why education is just now beginning to catch up. I will guide you on how Cannabis synergistically works with your body and why. 


Who knew the Cannabis Sativa plant had such a rich history!? With this lovely lady being at the forefront for many medicinal uses and spiritual practices there is no wonder why it has remained a staple in many cultures. 


According to a Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nung, considered the Father of Chinese medicine, discovered cannabis’s healing properties during the Han dynasty. With the wide growing awareness of cannabis fast forwarding to 1563 when Hemp was highly sought after, Queen Elizabeth required everyone with more than 60 acres of land to grow Hemp. 


In 1890 Queen Victoria was prescribed Cannabis by her physician to treat the pain from period cramps. Cannabis became an important crop for many due to its many uses and value. With the ever growing knowledge on Cannabis there started to be more experiments to test all the different uses for Cannabis/Hemp. In 1942 Henry Ford constructed an entire vehicle made out of hemp and soybeans that ran on a hemp-soybean mixture for fuel.


As you can see we are just scratching the surface for the many uses of the Cannabis Sativa plant.


Let's dive deeper into the vast universe of Cannabis, until next time!


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